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IELTS Listening Ep. 1

This is the first lesson for IELTS Listening. It is suitable for IELTS Academic and IELTS General candidates.  You will find downloadable material, a summary, techniques and tips, as well as other important information about this skill below.


Lesson summary:

Episode: 1 of 3

The IELTS Listening test assesses your ability to understand spoken English in various everyday and academic contexts.It tests how well you can follow conversations and monologues, identify key information, and understand the overall meaning. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

The Test Format:

  • You'll listen to four recordings of native English speakers in different accents.

  • You'll only hear each recording once, so listen carefully!

  • The total listening time is approximately 30 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.

  • There are 40 questions in total.

Types of Recordings:

  • Conversation between two people in an everyday social context: Imagine listening to someone booking an appointment or inquiring about a product.

  • Monologue delivered in an everyday social context: This could be a public announcement or a talk about local events.

  • Conversation between up to four people in an educational or training context: You might hear a university lecture or a group discussion.

  • Monologue on an academic subject: This could be a university lecture or a professor explaining a concept.

Question Types:

The questions come in various formats designed to test your comprehension of the listening passages. Here are some common types:

  • Multiple choice: Choose the answer that best matches the information in the recording.

  • Matching: Match information from the questions to relevant parts of the recording (headings, features, sentence endings, etc.).

  • Short answer questions: Briefly answer questions based on factual details from the recording.

  • Form/note/table/diagram completion: Fill in the blanks with missing information from the recording.

  • Sentence completion: Complete sentences with words or phrases from the recording.

Tips for Success:

  • Practice listening to a variety of English accents: This will help you get accustomed to different speaking styles and pronunciations.

  • Familiarize yourself with the question types: Understand the different formats used in the test and practice answering sample questions.

  • Develop good skimming and scanning skills: Skimming allows you to grasp the overall gist of the recording,while scanning helps you locate specific details for answering questions.

  • Don't get stuck on one question: If you're struggling, move on and come back later if you have time. There's no penalty for leaving questions unanswered.

  • Practice active listening: Pay attention to keywords, names, dates, and other important details mentioned in the recording.


​Click here for the MP3 Recordings for IELTS 16 Test 1 Student Sheets.

Important information:


  • Homework can be submitted via Line only for IELTS Speaking.

  • Listening, Reading, and Writing must only be submitted by email to

  • Students should download the recommended books.

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