Lesson summary:
Episode: 3 of 3
You'll listen to a recording, which could be a description, explanation, or instruction related to a process, object, or structure.
You'll be given a diagram with missing labels, representing the topic of the recording.
What to Listen For:
Focus on function and purpose: The speaker might describe the overall function of the diagram and the purpose of its different parts.
Listen for labels: The speaker might directly mention the labels you need to fill in.
Pay attention to details: Catch specific descriptions about the parts of the diagram, such as their location,appearance, or function.
Tips for Answering:
Read the diagram instructions: Before listening, understand how many labels you need to fill in and what kind of information might be missing (e.g., names, functions).
Predict the labels: Based on the diagram's appearance and the topic, try to anticipate what kind of labels might be needed (e.g., parts of a machine, stages in a process).
Don't get hung up on exact wording: The speaker might not use the same words as the answer choices. Focus on understanding the meaning and function.
Use process of elimination: If you're unsure between options, eliminate choices that clearly contradict the information in the recording.
Additional Strategies:
Match keywords: Look for keywords in the recording that match words or phrases associated with the answer choices.
Follow the order: The order in which information is presented in the recording often corresponds to the layout of the diagram.
Click here for the MP3 Recordings for IELTS 16 Test 1 Student Sheets.
Important information:
Homework can be submitted via Line only for IELTS Speaking.
Listening, Reading, and Writing must only be submitted by email to
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